Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Colour Codes of Awareness

From the folks at Low Tech Combat

'The Colour Codes of Awareness can be used as a model or system for conceptualishttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifing just how we should actually apply awareness. Many people espouse that we should always maintain awareness of our surroundings and be on the lookout for warning signs and indicators that warn of a person about to possibly attack. But it can still be unclear as to how we should go about being ‘aware’.'

'All you need to do is start off at yellow and avoid white. Its that simple.

Yellow then orange then red. Hopefully that is all. That is how awareness works and how awareness equals avoidance.'

It is ironic, the more aware we are, the less likely we are to use the skills we have developed over the years. Ironic, but in a good way.

Train hard, train smart, but do train.


Priest said...

I saw this the other day over at LTC. I'm throwing around the idea of organizing the material I've come across regarding situational awareness into a cohesive body, any thoughts?


Unknown said...

Glad you liked the post. The colour codes of awareness is a concept that has been around for a while but I put a bit of a LTC slant to it. Stay safe.

Don Weiss said...

I was tempted to mention that there is a long history of 'coding' for awareness, and express a little disgust at the current administration poo-pooing the idea that people are too dumb to get a 'color' code for terrorism and institute a complicated system instead. Anything that helps people stay aware is good.